Child Find
Child Find services provide expert assistance to parents, community agencies and Local Education Agencies (LEAs) to assist with identifying children with disabilities. The goal is to ensure that the public and LEAs are aware that services may be available for students with disabilities from birth through the age of 21.

Dyslexia Handbook Important Changes for Families
Manual de dislexia Cambios importantes para las familias

The Legal Framework
The Legal Framework is a statewide leadership project partnering the Texas Education Agency and Region 18 Education Service Center. The project which includes contacts from each educational service center is a compilation of state and federal requirements for special education organized by topic in a user-friendly format.

Parental & Family Engagement CONNECTION Newsletter

Texas Education For Homeless Children and Youth (TEHCY) McKinney-Vento Posters:
Poster for Parents: EnglishSpanish
Poster for Students: EnglishSpanish